
I’m Sarthak, but you’ll often find me as zerocod3r, on the Internet. I currently work as a Software Engineer.

Here’s a list of things that I’m interested in, or care deeply about (also serve as good conversation starters if you want to talk to me!):

  • Softwares
    • Web frameworks
    • Python automation
    • Backend development
    • Front end development
  • privacy
    • secure communications
    • operational security
    • anti-surveillance
  • free software
  • Alternate music
    • alternate rock
    • deep house
  • fps games
    • Valorant
    • Apex Legends

Here are some of my links:


Send mail to zerocod3r@protonmail.com. I welcome you to reach out to me, even if it’s just to say hi! I always reply.

I don’t really care about site traffic/analytics, and I never will; I am not interested in who is reading and I respect your privacy.

cc nc-by-sagithub