Stock Price Predictor

I am hoping you are having basic market knowledge and Python knowledge before starting this. We are writing a code a here to predict next one day price for a stock.

Disclaimer: This is for demonstration and learning purpose only, I don't recommend trusting purely this for stock market trading. Trust your instincts.


We require python3 for this, you can install python from here After installing python you need to install these python packages. Open terminal/cmd and put these commands.

$ pip3 install scikit-learn
$ pip3 install pandas
$ pip3 install pandas-datareader
$ pip3 install matplotlib
$ pip3 install tensorflow

Code go through

Import these libraries first as we need will be requiring these.

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
import pandas_datareader as web
import datetime as dt

from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler
from tensorflow.keras.models import Sequential
from tensorflow.keras.layers import Dense, Dropout, LSTM

Now we need to define the stock, start date and end data for which we need to fetch stock prices dataset,

company =  'AAPL'  # Apple stock symbol
start = dt.datetime(2020,  1,  1)
end = dt.datetime(2021,  2,  1)

We need to preprocess dataset to scale it to lower values range, here we keeping range to -1 to 1. We are using only close values here, the value of stocks after market has stopped.

scaler = MinMaxScaler(feature_range=[0,1])
scaled_data = scaler.fit_transform(data['Close'].values.reshape(-1,1))

Storing trained data

Here we storing the training data in arrays. Going from number of prediction days to length of scaled data, starting counting from 60th index to the last index of scaled data. Here in x_train we adding data for first 60 values, using this we will we will store 61th value in y_train and so on Convert our arrays to numpy array and reshape.

prediction_days = 60
x_train =  []
y_train =  []
for x in  range(prediction_days,  len(scaled_data)):
	x_train.append(scaled_data[x-prediction_days:x,  0])  # 60 values
	y_train.append(scaled_data[x,0])  # 61st value

x_train = np.array(x_train)
y_train = np.array(y_train)
x_train = np.reshape(x_train,  (x_train.shape[0], x_train.shape[1],  1))

Building model

Initialize a Sequential model. A Sequential model is appropriate for a plain stack of layers where each layer has exactly one input tensor and one output tensor. We are using Long Short-Term Memory Networks here, is a type of neural network model which is capable of learning dependency of order in sequence prediction problem, like the one we need to do here, process past data to get next data. Units are layers of data set to be trained, more the number more time it will take to train data. return_sequences is set true because LSTM does feedback operation to feed again data. Data epochs 30 means 29 times iterate same data. We can tweak this number to get better results

model = Sequential()
model.add(LSTM(units=50,  return_sequences=True,  input_shape=(x_train.shape[1],  1)))
model.add(LSTM(units=50,  return_sequences=True))
model.add(Dense(units=1))  # Prediction of next closing value
model.compile(optimizer='adam',  loss='mean_squared_error'), y_train,  epochs=30)

Using model to predict next close price

First we create a test data and use our model on it to check how well it matches with actual data. Again we will be fetching Close prices for same company stock from desired date to current date, and reshape last 60 days values. Then we need to create and reshape our data to numpy array, as predict function takes input a defined

test_start = dt.datetime(2020,1,1)
test_end =
test_data = web.DataReader(company,  'yahoo', test_start, test_end)
actual_prices = test_data['Close'].values
total_dataset = test_data['Close']
model_inputs = total_dataset[len(total_dataset) - prediction_days:].values
model_inputs = model_inputs.reshape(-1,  1)
model_inputs = scaler.transform(model_inputs)

Here we are putting out model_inputs numpy array to model predict to get the desired value, but before putting it we need to reshape our data to dimensions that model had used while training.

real_data =  [model_inputs[len(model_inputs)  -  1  - prediction_days:len(model_inputs+1),  0]]
real_data = np.array(real_data)
real_data = np.reshape(real_data,  (real_data.shape[0], real_data.shape[1],  1))
prediction = model.predict(real_data)
prediction = scaler.inverse_transform(prediction)
print(f"Prediction: {prediction}")
(venv) D:\projects\stock_price_predictor>python
Prediction: [[130.61981]]
(venv) D:\projects\stock_price_predictor>


You can check the code Here.

The prediction is not always correct as stock markets are very much volatile to news and things happening around, but this could be used a starter for coding such scripts to automate trading. In future I will keep on updating the code making it more generic and accurate.

Suggestions and abuses are welcome on github issue.

Questions or comments? Send an email to

cc nc-by-sagithub